I think I would be mortified if something happened to mine. I ve had her a long time and spent a fair bit keeping her in the condition she is in now.
When I had the re-spray done in 99. 6 months after this I ended up with two minor parking dents, due to rather inconsiderate B$*£$.!!eds not being able to manover there cars proberly. One in the rear lower pannel from a Volvo estate I d parked next to. & the other, front passenger lower wing pannel to back of bumper, happened a few weeks after in only a half hr period while I was parked outside my mates house.
In all the years prior to this being usded as my every day car I had not received one dent. However, as soon as she's all shiny again. Paint wasn't broken & has been fixed since, but its the principal of it.
That's very much one reason why she is a sunny day car these days.
Last edited by Dazmans12; 27-06-2006 at 22:45.