I've had my s12 since 2001. Havn't always had it on the road due to uppgrades and such. Now it is time to take care of all the rust and respray and make it really good looking.
I then found a cheap s12 which I bough thinking I could use it until the main s12 is finished this way I won't miss it too much.
The s12 I bought had a bad engine and I swaped it and there whare lots of electrical failiures so it took me almost 6 months to fix it.
So had the extra s12 in trafic for about 2 moths and a Volvo hit me in the middle of an intersection.Because of heavy trafic I got stuck there, and apperently the Volvo driver didn't care.
The s12 was totaled and I got a letter from the insurance company that it was my fault because I was speeding and didn't stop for a red light.
Don't think I ever want to finish my main s12. If I do, I will build a force feeld arround it.