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Old 03-07-2006, 12:37
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Claire Claire is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: West Sussex
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Claire will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by rob turbo
strip twister. with lots of maked ladies...!!!

err, beer. (topless serving girls)

naked ladies.

thats it realy. ...!
Right, well I am not sure if I can get any naked ladies. But I can buy a giant sized twister that up to 30 people can play...I was also thinking about getting a big paddling pool. But then I was wondering whether that might be a bit childish.
I think the plot of ground we have for the stand will be quite crammed this year because we have got more s12's than last year so we will have to arrange the cars so we have a bit of space around the gazebo. Jon and I will be coming up with some ideas of how the cars could be parked, but if anyone has any suggestions or would like to post up some interesting layouts then that would be great.
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