I am on my second set of rear Handbrake cables now, seam to get 10 years life out of them there abouts. Eaisy enough to change, an hr or two depending on how bad the bolts are seized. I would put some spray grease down the cable guide & cable tie the rubber dust covers, esp if you have the cheeper ones.
Worth checking the rear Callipers as well, need a bit more maintenance than some, like has been meationed. Cause the handbrake Lever is incorperated with the piston, it seams to make them prone to sticking. Eaisy enough to strip down & check. what is common is the rubber dust cover perishes thus alowing water to get to the calliper piston. The rust thus stops the piston from returning back into the calliper. It only needs the smallest bit of rust to stick the piston. May sound like the obvious, but I also change my brake oil every year regardless. Esp if not used a lot, Over time moisture builds up inside the brake pipes & calliper thus attacking it from the inside aswell. You can spot how bad it is when you bleed the brakes & get black gunky stuff coming out.