Yep clean it jack it up and run it and see if you can get it to drip on your face Dan. be carefull with using steam cleaners jet washing though as some people have had electric problems after doing that. If you have accsess to a spray degreaser and an airline you acould spray and blow the grime off the car.If not its a rag. If the leaks bad it might be really obvious without cleaning.
sump gasket
sump plug
Rocker cover gasket
or as Northerner say is could be turbo related and be the oil pipe running from bottom of turbo to sump or the thin metal oil pipe running from under the exhaust manifold on the engine block to the turbo top
And yes the downpipe on the exhasut uses studs so if its just ratled out you could just put another one from nissan in there or just any bolt from your garden shed should do it. Its a standard metric thread,be it very rusty by now though. Spray some wd40 in there half hour before you fit it ....
Originally Posted by s13eater
i wished my cams cost only £130 each, i must have c*nt wrote on my head 
Last edited by PukkaSilvia; 23-07-2006 at 22:36.