Thread: Home Again
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Old 24-07-2006, 09:29
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RichardK RichardK is offline
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RichardK will become famous soon enoughRichardK will become famous soon enough

I thought it was very good overall. The weather was good overall. That storm as a bit of a shocker but that's the UK for you!

I agree with Jon, it's a shame that some of the regular forum visitors (some of which had their names on the attendance list) didn't turn up or even let us know. Perhaps S12OC should charge £10 upfront for each person attending a show. That way people might actually bother to come when they say they will and the money can go towards club beer, BBQ food, etc.

A bit of club funding from the members would go a long way. Currently, the stand equipment, web site hosting, food, beers, etc. are all provided by a few of us where as it would be nice to see a donation from everyone to make it fairer. Not to mention we could fund some sort of entertainment (as SXOC and all the other clubs do). Looking at it that way, a tenner each in advance to have our cars on the stand isn't a lot and it would show us how many people intend to turn up when they say they will.

Overall I'd say it was a good weekend. Many thanks to everyone who did make the effort to come along and it was nice meeting up with everyone again and indeed meeting some new faces too.

Nice one guys n gals
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