Thread: hello everyone
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Old 04-12-2005, 20:02
S12KWA S12KWA is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 26
S12KWA is on a distinguished road

I ment speedfreaks, got mixed up!
Your right about the turbos being easyer/cheaper to tune. Probs struggle to get more than 160 b.h.p from d.o.h.c without spending big money on carbs etc. like you said.
Will probs end up with a turbo anyway the d.o.h.c's are v. rare, been about 10-12 years since ive seen one!
I was thinking they might be a bit easyer to control (no turbo kicking in)
+i remember the 240RS rallycars and the engine looks similar!

If my budget will allow i might be up for something next year but events are allways miles away!
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