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Old 11-08-2006, 16:56
blueneon blueneon is offline
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blueneon is on a distinguished road
Default I need some help!

The silvia had developed a starting problem, somtimes it would take an AGE to start, then run lumpy for a while and then would be fine,

So I have replaced plugs, leads and dizzy cap. The thing is I have had to remove the dizzy to get the cap of as the screws were rounded off.

Now i replaced the cap, checked the leads, checked ALL the timing marks and the mark on the dizzy but the car wont start.

Here is the timing checks i made.

Bottom pulley, TDC
Top pulley (cambelt top cover removed) timing mark at the top
Dizzy Punch mark aligned, rotor arm pointing to #1

We have a good spark and lots of fuel, everything is aligned, all eartha are good all cables connected, can anyone help?

Thank you

1985 Mk1 S12
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