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Old 14-08-2006, 21:03
missp missp is offline
S12oc Newbie
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Austria
Posts: 5
missp is an unknown quantity at this point

Thank you for your quick reply. So if I do have a FJ20E, parts for a FJ20 obviously will fit. At it looks like FJ20 is just the sur-category, so a FJ20E should be a FJ20.

I have to do a rebuild, yes, cause the engine won't start anymore since there's always motor oil in the cylinder around the spark (or ignition?) plug and also smoke comes out of the exhaust like hell, it burns the oil.

Sorry, i am native german and all this technical words in english...

Me and my silvias live in Austria. But i will get in touch with the guys you mentioned. Thank you so much...

I will attach another picture. Unfortunately may car is 50 km away at the workshop
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