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Old 17-08-2006, 14:24
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Japster Japster is offline
Join Date: Apr 2006
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Posts: 163
Japster is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
Thats a good point.
It is - I took it off before I tried anything else! - Thanks though - It was my first suspicion too!

PS - Got under the car last night - The water feed hose from the turbo had been melted through - Just caught it in time, as the coating on the protective heat blanket had worn through, and contact with the turbo had scorched through to the inside of the hose in one tiny point...

Have replaced it with some more hose, and now looking for some more (better!) heat wrap... (was a real bitch to get to though!) - Will fix this, and then try to sort out another alternator...

Hopefully I'll be nipping up to God's either next weekend or the weekend after if all's well! (Must check with God first though... )

Fingers crossed I guess, but the battery that I put in last week's already lost all of it's charge, so that's ominous too - Probably got a short or something somewhere, but hopefully SG will sort it out along with the other problems! (Will try another battery of course first....)

Thanks to all of you for the advice and sugeestions - It's well appreciated!
Only 450+ BHP from a 1.8? (Well, until I can run big boost again ) - Still, back on the road and looking for victims - Muhaahaahaaa!....

Yep - I fookin' love me beast ...

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