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Old 26-08-2006, 14:16
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rob turbo rob turbo is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: wakefield
Posts: 410
rob turbo is on a distinguished road
Thumbs up rising sun car show - dyno day

i attended the rising sun car show in nostel priory near wakefiled a few weeks ago, all in all a reasonable show, (but not worth the £6 each just to get in).!

also there was an excelent portable dyno company providing a power runs for only £20..!!

they were better switched on, more friendly than the ones at JAE. + far cheaper. their dyno had also been properly calibrated & accurate. (still didnt use a fan though.!)

they tour nationwide & have a good website. maby they might be useful for anyone wanting a shoot out, club days etc.

check thier website, not a bad one, they have other products that might be of use to us lot, + others too..!
if it's got tit's or wheels, it's gunna give you grief.!
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