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Old 23-12-2005, 09:59
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s13eater s13eater is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
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s13eater is on a distinguished road

shaun's just read it, the only couple of things i can slate SE for are, not putting a paddle clutch in when i asked for one, the six months it took them to get my forgies from america, more like a slow boat from china, taking so long to do the job and not wanting to speak to me when they had most of my money oh and no porting, well not any that would make any differece , the rest of the engine was well sorted, it must have been to stay together for so long 38k and still got the honing marks, mind you i do look after the damn thing,new plugs,new oil filter, castrol rs 10/60 every 3 months from new, never fail.
fj20/et a replacement for displacement
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