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Old 23-10-2006, 18:41
indecisive indecisive is offline
Back Seat Chatter!
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 58
indecisive is an unknown quantity at this point


I only have a few more things to do. Wiring is finished, I actually cranked the engine Just waiting on the damn dropping resistor from the engine importer still..supposed to get here last friday..but nope...

Then just gotta do the intercooler piping, boost gauge source, blow off valve, and plug off all other intake stuff and connect some sensors (neutral switch, reverse switch, oil pressure sender unit, knock sensor) and I can start her.

I dunno if my pump is working, I'll be checking for fuel pressure today.

"I'm fairly sure that if they took porn off the internet, there'd only be one website left, and it'd be called 'bring back the porn'"
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