atm theyre 500 mb each and thats at 1200 dpi as i might have already said...
i can easily go upto 4800 dpi though

which i'd rather do, problem is that leaves me with an image occupying gigabytes of space... this of course is a problem with only 769mb ram.. im getting tempted to hand it over to the signwriter but want to get finished templates to them myself.. my computers being an absolute sod at the moment, somethings gotten into it again

going to do a complete reinstall if it goes wrong again tonight, then i'll have the space and virtual memory to complete this gargantuan task
tbh i think itll be beyond a cd too unless you want some dropped resolution files, i dont have a dvd writer so thats out the window for now im afraid...
on the note of FTP that's because its nothing to do with ur computer or isp, its mine thats the problem... i've been through all the settings of my pc and theres nothing that'd cause any problems, the only thing left is the accursed tiscali!!
I got the cd this morning rich, thanks! Nice artwork, did you do that in photoshop?