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Old 25-10-2006, 21:41
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Originally Posted by s13eater
no it will not mate, i'am doing the fj20 turbo conversion and have looked at that option, it would fit by making a new flange and widening the runners by a couple of mm, but i'am using the rb26 manifold, the 4 middle ports just about fit, so we are widening those, then welding onto the new fj flange, the 2 end ports are being used for external the sr20 manifolds that i've seen are not long enough lenght runners for the high reving fj's, the rb manifold has longer runners.
okey thnx for fast respons mate! now I know
Nissan Silvia S12 1985
FJ20E 2.0l 16v. DOCH
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