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Old 02-12-2006, 02:09
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Default Electrical Problem

Hi, does anyone know whats going on with my electrics. The ignition warning lamps stayed on with the key removed and the battery wasn't charging so I replaced the alternator. Now it's charging ok but the ignition lights still don't go out with the key... I have to remove the fuse to stop it draining the battery. Weird thing is if i switch off with the lights on the ignition lights will sometimes go out Any help appreciated
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Old 02-12-2006, 20:29
Dez Dez is offline
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Hmmm, first time i've heard of that - very strange.

If you remove the key - and the ignition lights stay on, try bump starting it (although shorting the starter is safer if you know what your doing). Basically it's a quick way of finding out if your ignition switch is shagged. If the car starts and the key is in your pocket - it's shaged - but this is highly unlikely.

I'd be more interested in checking the main relay - if any of the contacts are stuck, which is very common on older cars - it will cause all sorts of strange things to happen.

I'm sure there's lots of thing to check but i just can't think of them.
Try those, if you're still having problems, i'll hopefully have thought of some more things to check.
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Old 02-12-2006, 21:30
sideways danny sideways danny is offline
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Ours does the same I think it's a faulty relay but I can't find it. only way to fix it I've found is remove the fuel pump fuse and try to start the engine then replace and start the engine then turn off again
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Old 03-12-2006, 02:37
Dez Dez is offline
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Well if that solves the problem, there's a 95% chance the main relay is sticking.....
Very very common problem.

Try it anyway, you can do no harm by checking a relay.
I'm not sure myself where it's located but, it should either be close to the ignition or beside the ecu. It'll probably be different to the rest.
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Old 06-12-2006, 12:59
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Thanks for the replies . I tryed a push start with the key out and no start so I guess the ignition switch is ok. Does sound like a relay sticking I can hear something click under the speedo sometimes when I switch off . Trouble is It looks really difficult to get to without putting my back out so think i'll check the relays under the bonnet..seems to be alot so should be fun
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Old 06-12-2006, 23:44
Dez Dez is offline
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It'll probably be the hardest relay to get at - main relays usually are...
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