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Old 28-12-2008, 21:15
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Default SAS/SBS info

Hey chaps. I'm keenly interested in the SAS and SBS over there. I know more about the SAS but have read a very brief synopsis about the SBS in relation to the SAS and how they differ. Despite that, I'm still a bit confused on where to go for good information. I went to ebay.co.uk and found lots of books about the SAS. I keep running into a popular author by the name of Barry Davies. Any info you can give me? Cheers.
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Old 28-12-2008, 22:36
tractor-boy tractor-boy is offline
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Hey there, there isn't a lot of info out there on the SBS as they've still got their secretive culture as opposed to the SAS who have been analysed in detail.
I have a couple of good books though that give you an insight into the SBS, when i find them i'll post up the titles, they should be avaliable on amazon.com.
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Old 28-12-2008, 22:44
tractor-boy tractor-boy is offline
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Try them, the "Marine A- terrorism on the north sea" was a good insight, Takes you through an exercise in detail.
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Old 29-12-2008, 16:43
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Barry Davis is ex regiment and his books are truth as far as they go unlike a lot of regiment memoirs out there by ex members who have rewritten events to portray themselves in a more favourable light.
SBS are responsible for maritime anti terrorist operations and special operations such as beach recce etc for 3 Commando Brigade. More recently they have had the lead role as special ops in Afghanistan while the SAS have been lead in Iraq.
Other than that not a lot is know about any operations conducted by either for obvious reasons, and if you did know we'd have to shoot you
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Old 09-01-2009, 11:51
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waita minute before we give him all this info how do we know he's not al quaida
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Old 11-01-2009, 01:49
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Originally Posted by Dr Silvia View Post
waita minute before we give him all this info how do we know he's not al quaida

That's awesome mate. I'm actually of Indian (India/part of your colonies at one time) background. Adopted by a half Brit, quarter French and quarter German mum. I do not have an accent and everyone who hears me on the phone would think me as 'white'. Also, I've had plenty of other Indians come up to me speaking whatever it is they speak and I just stare and go, "Sorry, English please." Or I just go about my business cause how am I to know they are talking to me? Bloody hell, doesnt make a lick of sense to me anyway. But when the whole war started years ago I had many of people confusing me for a Middle Easterner or asking me how I felt and a few insults here and there. I just ignore them or say, "You're bloody ignorant cause I'm not related to the Durka Durkas."

I am not in the least bit interested in India and never really was. Since I was a kid I've always had a fascination for the history of the Brits and hell, I was told by a friend who got a teaching degree, with another year or so history classes and my teaching license, I could teach history.
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Old 11-01-2009, 18:37
CamInHead CamInHead is offline
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lol durka durka.

Sorry, laughing at the film, not your insult.
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Old 12-01-2009, 03:06
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Hey no prob mate. I totally understand it. That's where I got it from. Sort of lightens it all up.
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