15-09-2009, 10:02
Club Founder
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Sussex
Posts: 7,580
Did everyone enjoy the show and all the booze etc supplied by Richardk out of member fees last weekend?
Originally Posted by RichardK
The aim isn't to make money out of NissanSilvia.co.uk but to cover all costs involved and enable us to put on proper club events, for example:
- Club stands at car shows in a proper Marquee
- Track days
- Professional entertainment at shows (Pro DJ, sound systems, lighting, lasers, etc.)
- Provide a nominal amount of drinks at events for members
- Develop a proper website, rather than just a forum
- Arrange local & national club meets
- Arrange discounts on products, insurance etc. for club members
- Join forces with other Jap car clubs
- Offer members club branded t-shirts, hoodies, fleeces, etc. at subsidised rates
- Run the forum carefully. With the help of the moderators on the forum side and my office staff on the membership side.
Again, many thanks to you guys who have become members and hopefully we'll see lots more join soon!
Originally Posted by s13eater
i wished my cams cost only £130 each, i must have c*nt wrote on my head 
Last edited by PukkaSilvia; 15-09-2009 at 10:06.