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Old 23-07-2006, 20:42
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Did everyone get home safely>?

Nice to meet 2 new members (nots13+Datdrift)

It was a nice weekend away. BBQ was a bummer on the sat night. Robert Dyers are probably going to get beaten up by claire next weekend i should expect . The weather was good for 90% of the weekend though and our plot wasnt too bad and we were in a decent location. Ive caught the sun a bit amd am looking forward to having a shower and an early night tonight..

Originally Posted by s13eater View Post
i wished my cams cost only £130 each, i must have c*nt wrote on my head
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Old 24-07-2006, 00:42
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am a die hard & staying up late.!!! the location was ok, the weather appauling as some people got injured. hanging on to the tent for dear life..!! would have wanted more of the cars turning up. hope next year will be better with a better turn out. the firework display was good. the trade stands were a bit disserpointing.

£5.00 for fish and chips..!! they did ride in on horse back with masks on im sure.!

looking forward o next year. with avengence
if it's got tit's or wheels, it's gunna give you grief.!
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Old 24-07-2006, 08:44
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1 hour of wind and rain over the whole weekend is fine enough for me.It was hot other than that.

Yep sorry about some of the site admin not turning up or letting us know. .Other than that we had enough cars to get noticed and look interesting which was one of the main things

Originally Posted by s13eater View Post
i wished my cams cost only £130 each, i must have c*nt wrote on my head

Last edited by PukkaSilvia; 24-07-2006 at 08:50.
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Old 24-07-2006, 09:29
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I thought it was very good overall. The weather was good overall. That storm as a bit of a shocker but that's the UK for you!

I agree with Jon, it's a shame that some of the regular forum visitors (some of which had their names on the attendance list) didn't turn up or even let us know. Perhaps S12OC should charge £10 upfront for each person attending a show. That way people might actually bother to come when they say they will and the money can go towards club beer, BBQ food, etc.

A bit of club funding from the members would go a long way. Currently, the stand equipment, web site hosting, food, beers, etc. are all provided by a few of us where as it would be nice to see a donation from everyone to make it fairer. Not to mention we could fund some sort of entertainment (as SXOC and all the other clubs do). Looking at it that way, a tenner each in advance to have our cars on the stand isn't a lot and it would show us how many people intend to turn up when they say they will.

Overall I'd say it was a good weekend. Many thanks to everyone who did make the effort to come along and it was nice meeting up with everyone again and indeed meeting some new faces too.

Nice one guys n gals
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Old 24-07-2006, 11:11
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Hello peebs, managed to get home in a pretty quick 2hrs 45 which was much better than 3hrs plus to get down in , Rich your motor looked as mint as ever and rest were good to see aswell, hope to get me MASSIVE turbo on this next week or so . I put the exhaust wastegate housing upto it yesterday and good news it is going to fit so the work begins soon.
Sorry to see you guys got wet but that helfof the fun they reckon .

I will be there next year fingers crossed.

212bhp at the wheels on standard internals.
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Old 24-07-2006, 12:36
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Jon and I got back about 8.00pm yesterday.

I really enjoyed the whole weekend. Even thinking back to the awful storm on saturday makes me laugh because Jon was running about in the hail, rain, thunder and lightening in a black bin bag trying to save our tent. The gazebo nearly blew away in the 70mph winds, whilst everyone was hanging onto it I was busy taking pictures

I can't really think of anything I didn't enjoy. The trade stands were quite good, we had a fireworks display right in front of our stand , I really enjoyed watching the drifiting in the arena and more than anything it was just great to see everyone again.

Thankyou Richard for providing a generator for my hairstraightners, and thankyou to everyone else for turning up and providing lots of food and drink for the club
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Old 24-07-2006, 14:38
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yep we all enjoyed it, tomo200 was disappionted that he could only come down for the friday, as he was going to ibiza at 12pm on saturday nite, yeah i bet he was lol ,yep good fireworks display, lots of food and drink, i'am glad non of you turned up as early as me, as you would have seen me hanging off of the fence, trying to stop the field from spinning , as i had no breakfast and started drinking and tried smoking somthing that had been freshly mowed , other than that i enjoyed it, it was very pleasing to get dens beastie running something like for him, it was a three man job, den pumping the clutch,jon opening and shutting the bleed screw and me supervising lol ,rich, i'd deffo throw some wonga in for next year if it would help.
fj20/et a replacement for displacement
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Old 24-07-2006, 16:15
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That's cool Shaun

I just think £10 for each person or car attending would give us enough funds to supply all the food, plenty of drink, etc. Also we would then have a good idea of who intends to actually turn up, rather than have a long list of attendees who don't show up.

I took the generator as I was under the impression that disco gear was being brought up. That'd have made it all much more fun for the kids. At least Claire made use of the power for her straighteners though!!

I'm not having a moan, I thought it was a really good weekend. I'd just like to see an equal amount of input from everyone and if someone really can't make it at the last minute, a telephone call wouldn't go a miss to let us know.

Lecture over children
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Old 24-07-2006, 16:19
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Who didn't turn up then?
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Old 24-07-2006, 17:00
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i couldnt tirn up due to not having a lift to get there but i do understand where richard k is coming from i would suggest that in future events we can contribute £10 for food and drinks i dont see it being a problem i do apologise for not making it but my poxy rover 100 would not have made it and being bloody wedding season everyone i know are either getting married or going to weddings so a lift was impossible sorry again
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