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Old 09-11-2009, 09:05
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Default EVO mag

So, I just borrowed this from a mate and I love it. First off, the writing is intelligent and well constructed as far as information. They actually break down a car decently well with a good analysis. Not to mention, lots of cars we dont see here in the States nor for the most part will ever. But here's my question for you guys, how many of you read this and what is your opinion of it. Is it really top notch and are you keen on it or do you feel that there's a better magazine I should check out?
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Old 09-11-2009, 11:37
CamInHead CamInHead is offline
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I use to subscribe to Evo a few years ago. I first bought it to see the "new" Imprezza when the bug-eye first arrived. I have a couple of tiny videos from one of their car of the year dvds as my ring-tone too.

Haven't bothered for a good few years. Like Edge (computer games), a couple of the contributors left and those that came weren't as good in IMO. Plus I really hate modern cars nowadays.
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Old 09-11-2009, 15:54
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good photography, often well written articles, but as has been said its on new cars only, defo not the 'mod it yaself' brigade.
horses for courses i guess...

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Old 09-11-2009, 18:59
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I used to buy it and read up about the cars. And dream etc.

I last bought one when I was stuck on a long train journey with some boring bastard from work. But before that I hadn't bought one for years...
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Old 09-11-2009, 19:09
boosted boosted is offline
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I always get a copy for my 2 weeks in sun, along with Retro cars!!! beats the wifes Heat, Cosmo, and the rest of her guff that i whittle away the time with!!
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Old 09-11-2009, 20:14
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Ok sweet. Well, I'm keen on the magazine and it seems to be a decent magazine and with your reviews, I'll give it a try for a year and see how it goes. I just really enjoy it due to the difference it is between American mags. They are rubbish and full of flash, ill written topics, advertisements and seemingly aimed at teenagers who can spend their parent's money.

Thanks for the review guys.
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