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Old 03-03-2011, 17:56
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Default MOT time

Well as the title says its time for the dreaded m.o.t. i need to get some questions answered before i go about doing somthing that could be solved by somthing simple.

the car itself has done around 83000 give or take a couple of hundered and its not being runnning particularly well. I run it on bp sup/unlead but the engine pinks like fook under heavy throttle so if im cruising along at 50 and put the boot down when the gaerbox gears down (its an automongo) it sounds like some 1 shaking a bean can full of stones. its been like that since i bought it but i figures if i dont boot it it wont happen alls well that ends well (kinda). Is this fixable ive been told retarding the igntion can help is that true?

Recently wen i start it up in the mornings itll cut out unless i keep my foot on the revs slightly. Could this be the auto choke?? does it have an auto choke? lol

You might be thinking this has sweet F all to do with mot

But as stated it wen in today i work as a car valeter in a large car sales chain so i get mots half prices so i figured id get it done in the work.
When the tester took it into the workshop within about 5 mins of the car running it filled the workshop with smoke which is an automatic fail even with no emmissions test. He said that theres 2 things it could be its eather the Valve stem oil seals or the piston rings. im pretty much a novice when it come to dignosing engine problems. does any1 have any simliar problems ?

bit of a story to read through there but ive tried to be as descriptive as i can. I hope some1 can help as i love my sivlia and the body is in tremedous condtion. just the engine giving me greif.
Thanks guys
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Old 03-03-2011, 18:51
ScoupeS12 ScoupeS12 is offline
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Has she been bad on fuel? MPG?

How long has it been running badly as you describe?
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Old 04-03-2011, 09:34
northerner northerner is offline
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Originally Posted by Magical Trevor View Post
Well as the title says its time for the dreaded m.o.t. i need to get some questions answered before i go about doing somthing that could be solved by somthing simple.

the car itself has done around 83000 give or take a couple of hundered and its not being runnning particularly well. I run it on bp sup/unlead but the engine pinks like fook under heavy throttle so if im cruising along at 50 and put the boot down when the gaerbox gears down (its an automongo) it sounds like some 1 shaking a bean can full of stones. its been like that since i bought it but i figures if i dont boot it it wont happen alls well that ends well (kinda). Is this fixable ive been told retarding the igntion can help is that true?

Recently wen i start it up in the mornings itll cut out unless i keep my foot on the revs slightly. Could this be the auto choke?? does it have an auto choke? lol

You might be thinking this has sweet F all to do with mot

But as stated it wen in today i work as a car valeter in a large car sales chain so i get mots half prices so i figured id get it done in the work.
When the tester took it into the workshop within about 5 mins of the car running it filled the workshop with smoke which is an automatic fail even with no emmissions test. He said that theres 2 things it could be its eather the Valve stem oil seals or the piston rings. im pretty much a novice when it come to dignosing engine problems. does any1 have any simliar problems ?

bit of a story to read through there but ive tried to be as descriptive as i can. I hope some1 can help as i love my sivlia and the body is in tremedous condtion. just the engine giving me greif.
Thanks guys

Bad starting could be many things but probably : Plugs/Leads/Dizzy cap/rotor arm/fuel pressure reg/ bad fuel/blocked fuel filter. Could even be Cold start valve and even a little earth wire on the coil.
Smoke could also be many things but most probably Turbo seals have gone, valve stem seals or rings.
Start with a compression check and if low add a small amount of oil in the cylinder and if it helps then its rings. If not then valve problem. If you suspect valve seals then these can be done with the head on in situ. I've done a thread somewhere. Hope this helps....
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Old 04-03-2011, 18:01
ScoupeS12 ScoupeS12 is offline
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It all kind of points to a compression problem if I was being asked. Although I'm not telling you for definate.

Like northener says compression test first. Let us know what happens.
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Old 04-03-2011, 18:52
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Well my bad news got worse last nite as on my route home from my flat a mini bus scrapped my bumper bit gutted man as its stripped the paint and creased my lovely rust free!! drivers wing. The guys claiming it was my fault but it wasnt my car was staionary so in theroy he scrapped his mini bus on my car. ill post pics up wen ive got bit more time.

The car is now wat feels and sounds (whilst driving) like its cutting out at low revs so as i push the accelarator the car just become unresponsive as if the theres no combustion. ive checked all the spark plugs they seem fine usual tan/grey colour, the leads all seem normal. the car cutting out could it be due to under fueling?

ill get my dad to help me with the compression test and see if the rings are worn. Is it common for piston rings and vavle stem oil seals to go with a car with a resonably low mileage?

how would i check the turbo seals?

And while i remember Scoupe i get around 240 odd to a brimmed tank without caining it (because i cant coz its pinking)

Thanks for the help guys i hope i get this fixed as my silvias my daily driver I need it for work etc thanks again

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Old 05-03-2011, 10:19
umpkin umpkin is offline
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i get about 50 miles from 20 quid, is that bad them, lol.

my motor used to bellow smoke, turned out to be valve stem seals.
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Old 05-03-2011, 14:51
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well had a look this morning and this is my findings had a look at the cutting out whilst driving and figured that the fuel pump was being starved on low fuel (just above the red) as the wee catch tank thatfeeds the pump wasnt filling as quick as it should due to all the mucky deposits. so my dad and myself pumped all the fuel out and got all the shit stuff out and cleaned up the inside of the tank and put the fuel back in. seems to be running sweet now no more cutting out etc. (ive got pic to post up later this evening if not sunday).

We also had a look at the smoke bout five mins idleing. So we cleaned up some of the sensor connections etc and hooked up compression tester heres the results
Cylinder Dry Oiled
1 110 125
2 100 120
3 100 130
4 100 120

The dry run was taken with a battery without full power the oiled ones were taken with a battery charge whilst taking a jump from my dads triumph herald. He says that should be a average result. Hes got a colortune interesting bit of kit its older than me! basically u put it in the 1st cylinder spark plug hole and connect the ht lead onto the top of it and it lights up blue if its running rich and orange if its running nicely. We put it in and started the car and sure enough it started and was running blue which means the cold start is working as after a couple of mins once it had heated up it turned orange mens is not over fueling which can only really leave the turbo seals or the valve stem oil seals.

So thats my intersting morning. i wouldnt no were to start with the turbo seals is it a easy job?

Thanks for everybodys help its really appreciated. Ill get the pics up of the fuel and all the particals we took out the tank couldnt belive how much of it there was lol.

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Old 06-03-2011, 18:32
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Heres my pictures from yesterday.

What petrol should look like.

Heres what was in the bottom of my bucket after pumping the petrol out.

We put the bottom contents of the bucket into empty bottles of errr whiskey lol.

Heres the empty bottles lined up in compaison with how far off the bottom of the bucket the fuel was u can see the colour diffrence. we left them for bout 10 mins until all the s*** had settled to the bottom.

Heres what was left in the bottom of just the bucket after the fuel had been removed.

Finally after pumping some fuel back in my nice clean partical free catch tank.

So have you checked to see wats lurking in your petrol tank!?? Sorry its a bit picture heavy tried to keep them small.

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Old 06-03-2011, 19:12
CamInHead CamInHead is offline
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might want to change your fuel filter if you haven't already!
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Old 06-03-2011, 20:40
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lol yea it got a shiney new fuel filter.

still burning oil tho. =( still puzzling but at least its running

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