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Old 15-05-2014, 23:20
dlongmu dlongmu is offline
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Default ca18 electrical god needed!

ok im going to ignore my mild missfire issue in this post. My car cuts out randomly when warmed up.

This is what happens:
car cuts out mid drive, rev signal drops to 0
i slow car to a stop n turn off immob
turn key and current is drawing but starter isnt spinning
let it cool a bit, no change
remove neg terminal for a few secs n replace, starter spins n car turns over/runs for another while.

fuel pump is good, earth is good
immob seems fully functional
battery is 100%.
Id normally suspect crank angle sensor given its one of few sensors getting a roasting, but no cas code on ecu, and this wouldnt account for starter not turning.
Another thought is fuel pump relay, I havent checked that yet..

any thoughts?
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Old 16-05-2014, 17:25
alundra alundra is offline
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Did you check your spark plugs or dizzy cap and rotor?
In warm or cold situations?
Did you check your vacuum lines?
Can you check your alternator?
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Old 16-05-2014, 18:55
dlongmu dlongmu is offline
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dizzycap new,
alternator charging perfectly,
plugs are good and gapped ngk's,
tried new ones just to check.
new magnecor leads,
3 afms,
100% 0 vacuum leaks,
new walbro pump, good earth
all engine earths solid
ign coin earth cleaned
warm or cold outet temp has no effect, but cuts out when engine hot.
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Old 16-05-2014, 20:06
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CNHSS1 CNHSS1 is offline
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If you have a infra red temperature gun, check temps of coil and power transistor, could be that either are failing as they overheat.
Also worth opening the ecu up and checking the fuel pump resistor is ok then can run hot especially if the car has a non std up p that pulls more amps. Seen a few in scimitar that either burn out the tracks or overheat and melt the solder so you get an intermittent fuel pump

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Old 17-05-2014, 19:33
dlongmu dlongmu is offline
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Good call, does the Bluebird ZX coil fit right in?
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Old 27-05-2014, 17:59
dlongmu dlongmu is offline
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I'm opening up the ECU tonight to check the resistor.. wherever it may be hiding

I'm getting error 21 (ignition signal) and 22 (fuel pump). I get error 22 before I even start the car, I think it's because of the way the walbro is wired up. Not sure what the best checks are for error 21..

I fitted brand new Magnecor KV85, it run smooth as a peach until it got hot, then it started missing gently, but it was more of a constant gentle miss - which is good in my eyes, more obvious to sort I hope.

Now to top it off, I always figured missing below 3k was down to a dodgy o2 sensor - so I check mine.. well it's not likely to work very well given its been replaced with a blanking plug!
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