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Old 26-02-2007, 11:34
ChEsTeR ChEsTeR is offline
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ChEsTeR is on a distinguished road

I didn't. I flew from warsow-gatwick-shanoon and back and no passport was needed.
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Old 26-02-2007, 11:38
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I just used a passport to get to France and back this weekend though.

EDIT - Europeans have ID cards, which mean YOU don't need one, but WE don't have official ID cards.

We're a few years behind at the moment...

Last edited by 30psi; 26-02-2007 at 11:41.
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Old 26-02-2007, 12:07
ChEsTeR ChEsTeR is offline
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ChEsTeR is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by 30psi

We're a few years behind at the moment...
Ho would have thoght of that??
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Old 26-02-2007, 13:08
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can you post a link to an online map to where you are, I am curently thinking about sending a boy over from my company in sweden to possibly meet you half way to the ferry port, I might even send him all the way to warsaw, then maybe he could collect the kits for sweden and norway, and if the english guys would feel more comfortable dealing with me in sweden, I can bring all the kits back here and then ship them/bring them to england or the English guys can come over and collect them.

I'll be taking a couple of vans to the uk in april-june and can bring the kits then...

Just an idea I had....


Mike aka Conkers.

ps... edited in...

I just found this:


It is a third party that holds the funds until the goods have been received and accepted. Maybe this is an option for anyone who is worried about sending money before seeing the goods.

Website: http://www.racing-green.com
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Last edited by Conkers; 26-02-2007 at 13:28.
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Old 26-02-2007, 13:29
ChEsTeR ChEsTeR is offline
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ChEsTeR is on a distinguished road

In the serch window type"fabryczna lomianki poland" It will show u my street.I have no problem in taking the kit for the UK guys. Would be grate and save lots of time.
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Old 26-02-2007, 13:35
ChEsTeR ChEsTeR is offline
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We can do it threw this escrow site No problem.
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Old 26-02-2007, 17:34
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I am building a Nissan Silvia Race Car, and I would need 4-5 sets of body kit. The price you give is just fine.
I have a frined in Poland who would be able to transport them to me, in Hungary, Europe.
Could you please give me a contact number, so that he can contact you about details. (he speaks Polish!)
Thank you,
Best regards
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Old 27-02-2007, 07:31
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Obviously no interest from the UK for me to collect all the kits in one hit and stage them here in sweden....

I got an email from Maciej, he is happy for me to send the shipping and packaging costs and then pay the balance when the kit arrives.
So I will not bother sending my boy down there.

Website: http://www.racing-green.com
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Old 27-02-2007, 09:37
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Originally Posted by Conkers
Obviously no interest from the UK for me to collect all the kits in one hit and stage them here in sweden....

I got an email from Maciej, he is happy for me to send the shipping and packaging costs and then pay the balance when the kit arrives.
So I will not bother sending my boy down there.


Give people a chance to see your post, most people are at work all day and dont get a chance to read the forum till they get home at night.

Currently 226.4bhp@13psi with a remap to 18psi coming very soon
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Old 27-02-2007, 11:59
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I posted the offer yesterday at (GMT/UTC) 1.30pm ish.... and rebuked the offer at 7.30am this morning. Anyone logging on at night and genuinely interested would have checked this thread last night, I did.

To be frank, the thought of 4-6 sets of body kit in my workshop and the subsequent liability of collecting them from poland/storing them/transporting them to the uk or simply waiting for peeps to come get them... leaves me wide open for a whingefest.

However, anyone who wanted to take part of my offer email me, I won't leave anyone high and dry, but please respect that I am doing this a favour and won't tolerate whinging. :-)

For the openness of this discussion:

Maciej's offer to send the kit and allow me to pay once I recieved them was only if he sends them dhl for 252 euro (to sweden). Which still leaves me sending by bank transfer 252 euro for shipping and 16 euro packaging, I respect that Maciej (Chester) doesn't want to have to shell out potentially thousands of euros on shipping without getting paid for the kits, so some mutual trust has to be established here.
I am now in the process of looking into sending one of the lads down there to collect vs having them collected by dhl and charged to my account.
Pro's and cons exist for both options, which is why I am looking into it.

I don't want any purchasers getting scammed.... and I don't want to see Maciej losing out on this either.

So either:
Option 1. send a lad to poland (cash in hand to pay for the kit/s), he will inspect and pay and bring it/them back. Either to sweden or the UK and we can arrange distribution from there.

Option 2. (which seems most likely at this point in time) I'll send Maciej payment for the kit and packaging (316 euro) via an escrow agent, (if you don't know how escrow works, have a quick read from the link above or search online for escrow), when Maciej has confirmation that the escow agent has received payment from me, he will notify me and I will arrange for dhl to collect the package. When the package arrives 3-5 days later I will inspect the body kit, and if all is a promised I will log onto escrow and confirm receipt of the goods, at which time they release the funds to Maciej. DHL will then bill me for the shipping.

This way there is minimal risk for all involved as it leaves little room for anyone to get scammed.

At the end of the day, it's a bit round the houses, but will get me a body kit for under 600 euros.

If anyone is interested in Option 1. send me an email.

As soon as my body kit is ready for shipping I'll be acting quickly as my car is booked into paint and logbook inspection by the end of march. So I have to say that if you don't contact me within 24 hours, it might be too late to jump on my bandwagon... :-)

Website: http://www.racing-green.com
Blog (with 180zx build pictures) http://racing-green.blogspot.com/
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