normally there's a screw in fitting on the engine block that the pipe attaches to, normally you should drill them out to 2mm ,WARNING, don't go any bigger than that otherwise you'll over feed the turbo with oil and blow the seals in it,when i got my s12 some one had been playing with it under the bonnet but they didn't know what they were doing they drilled the restrictor out too much and blew the seals in the turbo , so while i had the engine out i priced up a nissan one but it was way too expensive (from memory it was about 80 quid, it was a long time ago tho) so i had a local engineering firm make one up for me it cost 15 quid , becareful tho because the bit that screws into the block has a tapered thread make sure they get this right, a bit of ptfe tape and it'll be fine