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Old 23-06-2006, 21:08
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Default Busy roads

I keep getting really paranoid that someone is going to crash into my car every so often. Ive had my car a while now and its coming together other than 30 10 minute jobs needing doing.Im just rather worried someone will mess it all up and then what would i do. It would take forever to start all over again.It makes me want to take the car off the road after the respray and wrap it in cotton wool. I guess i feel like this as i had a s12 that i loved smashed into once before. I love my current one even more though.It makes it worse that we all pump so much time and money into them

Do you all feel like this

Originally Posted by s13eater View Post
i wished my cams cost only £130 each, i must have c*nt wrote on my head
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Old 23-06-2006, 21:45
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i used to feel like that before i mashed my pulsar
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Old 27-06-2006, 19:38
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Yes same here Jon.

I was in Blackpool a couple of years ago and an RS Turbo did decide to use me instead of his brakes. He was only doing 20 ish and I hardly noticed him hit.

There was no damage at all to my silvia apart from a little crack in the bumper paint (due to the bodyshop mongs not putting plasticiser in the paint).

Silvias are very strong cars, so even if one does hit you, there's a good chance it won't do too much damage.

Now, if someone goes into the back of my Discovery, I'd be quite amused as I peel their front end off my large metal bumpers and tow bar
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Old 27-06-2006, 22:42
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I think I would be mortified if something happened to mine. I ve had her a long time and spent a fair bit keeping her in the condition she is in now.

When I had the re-spray done in 99. 6 months after this I ended up with two minor parking dents, due to rather inconsiderate B$*£$.!!eds not being able to manover there cars proberly. One in the rear lower pannel from a Volvo estate I d parked next to. & the other, front passenger lower wing pannel to back of bumper, happened a few weeks after in only a half hr period while I was parked outside my mates house.

In all the years prior to this being usded as my every day car I had not received one dent. However, as soon as she's all shiny again. Paint wasn't broken & has been fixed since, but its the principal of it.

That's very much one reason why she is a sunny day car these days.

Last edited by Dazmans12; 27-06-2006 at 22:45.
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Old 27-06-2006, 22:55
Zman Zman is offline
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I've had my s12 since 2001. Havn't always had it on the road due to uppgrades and such. Now it is time to take care of all the rust and respray and make it really good looking.
I then found a cheap s12 which I bough thinking I could use it until the main s12 is finished this way I won't miss it too much.
The s12 I bought had a bad engine and I swaped it and there whare lots of electrical failiures so it took me almost 6 months to fix it.
So had the extra s12 in trafic for about 2 moths and a Volvo hit me in the middle of an intersection.Because of heavy trafic I got stuck there, and apperently the Volvo driver didn't care.
The s12 was totaled and I got a letter from the insurance company that it was my fault because I was speeding and didn't stop for a red light.

Don't think I ever want to finish my main s12. If I do, I will build a force feeld arround it.
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Old 28-06-2006, 00:19
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Originally Posted by Zman
Don't think I ever want to finish my main s12. If I do, I will build a force field around it.

I do get worried about those yummy mummys in there cars, oblivious to any other cars right of way.

I do 80 miles a day in it in rush hour.

Can you build me a force field?

Originally Posted by s13eater View Post
i wished my cams cost only £130 each, i must have c*nt wrote on my head

Last edited by PukkaSilvia; 28-06-2006 at 00:21.
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Old 28-06-2006, 16:14
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my mate just resprayed his s13 about 2 weeks ago, then yesterday he came out of work to find dents on the nearside wing, lightcover and bonnet + a few little scratches......it wasent a car, and looks like a cyclist has bumped/fallen onto it typical........but he works in a spray shop and he reckoned the bonnet was not quite a colour match anyway, but how unlucky
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Old 28-06-2006, 16:35
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One week after mine was sprayed I parked it in a car park to find someone had put a big dent in the front wing. Careless w*nkers!
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Old 28-06-2006, 22:02
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1 week after i sprayed mine bright orange some plonker in a brand new is200 smacked into my door as he said he didnt see me coming bloody hell well i took 250 cash of him to get it sorted best thing to do is to drive as if nothing is going to happen as worrying to much just takes the fun out of owning one as a couple of peeps i know have cars but hardly drives them just to keep the milage down and theres no point as with all cars depreciates in value regardless so just enjoy it mate nothing will happen fingers cross
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Old 10-07-2006, 16:10
blueneon blueneon is offline
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Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
I keep getting really paranoid that someone is going to crash into my car every so often. Ive had my car a while now and its coming together other than 30 10 minute jobs needing doing.Im just rather worried someone will mess it all up and then what would i do. It would take forever to start all over again.It makes me want to take the car off the road after the respray and wrap it in cotton wool. I guess i feel like this as i had a s12 that i loved smashed into once before. I love my current one even more though.It makes it worse that we all pump so much time and money into them

Do you all feel like this

I thought it was just me,

I am so worried to take the Silvia out its beyond belief! So many near misses from dumbass chavs racing round the lanes, to doddery old shufflies in Nissan Micras aiming for me. I park diagonally accross 2 carpark bays every time i go to the shops

Its got so bad the I catch myself thinking what if...? how would I fix it if...? where would I get this part or that...?

I am buying a CRX as a daily now, The Silvia is due for some VERY major surgery and a head helicoil, so she will be off road for a bit. Safe away from the roads, but pointless as I wont be driving her adn after all, thats the reason we all love these cars so much.
1985 Mk1 S12
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