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Old 19-05-2015, 12:21
Montizuma Montizuma is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Norfolk
Posts: 11
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Default Oil amount

Hey guys I've just finished welding on the selves and realised I didn't check how much oil had come out of the buggers, so does anyone know how much I need to add also if motorbike fork oil or ATF is better? Cheers Dan

Edit* ok so they seem to take 450ml of oil I went for fork oil as that's all I could get, but I have ran into a problem where the rally desighn top plate doesn't fit over the strut..... So I can drill them out but do I go to the thread width of 12mil or to the next step up of 20 mil ? Cheers Dan

So basically use 450 ml of fork oil in each strut and you will need to get the top hats from rally design and drill them out to 20 mm or buy them from techno toy tuning as they are 20 mm allready . Cheers dan

Last edited by Montizuma; 09-06-2015 at 07:39. Reason: Answered my own question but found another
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