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Old 01-07-2007, 19:18
drew555 drew555 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 27
drew555 is an unknown quantity at this point
Default Driftwest - 4th-5th August

Right, everyone who 'aint going to the pod for USC, have a read of this.

Strictly pre-paid, pre-booked spaces, and spaces are limited.

Roll up, roll up.

Nearly forgot, the cut off date for payments/ bookings is 27th July.. best get a wriggle on.....
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Old 01-07-2007, 19:18
drew555 drew555 is offline
S12OC User
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 27
drew555 is an unknown quantity at this point

Update time!

Went to the airfield yesterday for a lookie-see and to speak to the man in charge.

Sorry there are no pics, but I'm a bloody idiot, and forgot my camera. But it's bleedin' mahooooosive. Think verge to verge on a 3 lane motorway... including the hard shoulders....


After frenzied negotiation, we've managed to get the go-ahead for alcohol!

But if you're caught rocking around in your moter pissed, there'll be a problem.

Music is a goer, sorting a PA now.

Barbecues and stuff are fine, but NO bonfires.

Camping is on-site, and completely free (if you've paid to drive, anyway).

So thats a days driving then music, a piss up, camping and another days driving. What a fucking bargain.

Here's an ariel view....

The bits marked out in red stripey things are STRICTLY out-of-bounds. The security here is shit hot, and if you bump into a security partrol in a place you got no call to be in, you WILL be bundled into a land rover and escorted from the venue. We were left in no doubt at all about this. They have cameras, big dragon/alsation cross dawgs and rifles (looked like machine guns to me, but hey...).

The surface on the 2 runways is very well maintained, very smooth tarmac. Seemed quite grippy too - could well be quite abrasive. The rest is mostly concrete.

Run off areas are huge (as you would expect) but the grass is quite long - the farmers use it for silage), and I am trying to negotiate them cutting it before we arrive.

We've earmarked track layouts, but still haven't settled on a solid plan yet.

We think we'll have a figure of eight, an oval, a couple of roundabout-a-likes and a 2nd/3rd gear track for people who want to go a bit faster.

We've got a space for the drag, and are still arguing about the layout of the time-attack course.

Access will not be through the main gate, and anyone turning up there will be sent packing. We have our own entrance, as marked on the map. People coming will be sent detailed directions before the event.

For now, I think that's about it.

If I remember anything else, I'll re-post.


:edit: The nearest petrol station is St. Davids (10ish miles), so bear that in mind....
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