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30psi 22-03-2006 23:52

Doubt anyone on here would ever be able to whip a motorbike:eek: Even the VFR400 would be about 300bhp per ton.

PukkaSilvia 23-03-2006 20:40

it was a vfr400 and it wasnt from a standing start it was coming off a duel carriageway roundabout and yes i did beat it and he was riding it flat out. ....

I fitted the Horsahm developments stage2 chip recently too.it feels to have a lot more torque behind it now and my fuelling is definalty better. Rolling Road not this weekend but next weekend i think:) i will be be weighing my car and weighing each corner independantly aswell before then so i will be able to give you my bhp per tonne soon. I should think my car weighs a bit more than standard though due to the electric leather recaro seats and the spoilers and extra bits in the engine bay....And general Dirt and grime

rob turbo 23-03-2006 22:14

too be fare, a good modded turbo car will see most bikes up to 400cc, i know, raced enuff to confirm.

thing with bikes is there an engine on wheels, power to weight is excelent.. standing starts always hard to beat..


get these w@nkers on a rolling start, say 50mph.. both gun it, & theres very LITTLE difference between them, even larger cc's stuff. when the turbo comes to boost & your set-up is sweet.. get sweating biker buoy:ghey

a good modded S12 can & will woop bikes. beleve me.

theres a few scarred bikers living near me i'll tell you. was even approached by one 4 weeks ago asking 'what the hell do you have under the bonnet of this', 'ant ' 'ad owt that quick keep near me in a while...:whip

my reply was, 'only tickled the throttle',.. he wont happy with that realy..!:trout

PukkaSilvia 24-03-2006 19:40

thnx Rob,Have you managed to put your car on a newer set of Rollers yet. What map are you currently using and at what psi?Also what clutch are you using?

I need to do a bit more setting up. i need to replace a couple of boost hoses,chk my base timing is at 14dbtdc and weld up a couple of pin prick holes in my exhaust front section. I also need to work out the plumbing and setting up of that boost controller as im getting bad spiking the way i have done it.I think im going to try and just put the controllers solenoid inline on the external wastegate sideport next rather than teed from it and then to the wastegate top via the solenoid.

s13eater 24-03-2006 22:09

whats the gain set at jon, as if its to high your turbo will spin up fast but will send your boost up further and can cause spiking, try 15% gain, this works well on mine.:)

rob turbo 24-03-2006 22:29

im currently runnning 20psi of boost on a adj. actuator. the mapping is one off develpment by a company in blaockpool, no one has this anywhere as far as im aware, myself & my tuner informed this 'chip' company of the spec & predicted output & they came up with the goods on a mapping sequence, ill try to get more details, it sometimes behaves in irractic fashion as its not ment to do what it do's (more than twice it's normal power output)

the clutch is a four plate organic jobbie, a bitch to use whilst driving around town but the only one that will take the power... try these people for our set up... shit hot man...


rob turbo 24-03-2006 22:31

& no, not had chance to get it on a new'er set of rollers yet.. am looking forward to doing so though.. still looking for a reputable company to accomodate:furious

PukkaSilvia 24-03-2006 23:22

Thanks guys.

So the gain adjusts the time of the opening of the wastegate then? i think i have the gain set at flat out..... so i will adjust that tommorow. also theres a setting on the back that says wg or act?

i have seen that clutch Rob. it is an idea. my exedy clutch is holding at the moment.Hopefully it will last a few months

s13eater 25-03-2006 07:52

yes jon, thats for either an external wastegaste or an actuator, its gonna spike like feck if you have your gain on full, if you want a lot of gain you have to turn boost down as it raises your peak boost.:)

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