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northerner 03-02-2009 17:17

Rear subframe camber correction
A while ago I bought a spare from Silviagod which I had a local fabricator weld on some brackets to the outters mounts which I slotted. I then gave it to a local company (Vulcan coatings in Basildon) whom bead blasted it. They then primed and coated it with satin black. I cant believe how good it came out as it looks like new and only cost me £30


paulsilv 03-02-2009 23:59

Very nice.

Where are the bushes from and are they Poly ones

northerner 04-02-2009 10:37

I got them from MJP for about £60. Looking at their website it appears to be down atm


northerner 23-04-2009 20:30

Whilst waiting for the machinists to do the head work on my Auto, I spent most of the day today dropping my old subframe. Over the last six months or so I have notice a knocking noise from the rear getting worse. Recently the backend has been feeling very twitchy and now I know why. One side of the subframe bush was not held in at all !


northerner 23-04-2009 20:31

So out with the old ......


northerner 23-04-2009 20:33

and in with the new......


northerner 23-04-2009 20:34

just got the trailing arms, ARB and brakes the finish tomorrow for the Mot which is due :cool:

CamInHead 23-04-2009 21:27

They look like MJP's Z31 bushes ?


northerner 25-04-2009 16:31

Yep that they are !

Originally Posted by CamInHead (Post 30513)
They look like MJP's Z31 bushes ?


northerner 25-04-2009 16:32

I cracked on today with refitting the trailing arms etc.
I bought some new inner bolts a while back so the camber can now be adjusted on the outter mounts. One thing I should have checked however was that they are the same diameter as the outter bolts ie were they fit in the trailing arms.
It was only when I offered them up I found out that the inner bolts dont go in the outter trailing arm bushes. The inner bolts have a diameter of 14mm --- The Outter bolts have a diameter of 13.4mm. After scratching my head for a while, I decided to use the none adjustable originals on the outter points for now and get the others milled down to size.

umpkin 25-04-2009 17:15

them Z31 ones are priced at 39.99 now.

are these a direct fit????

northerner 25-04-2009 20:25

Yep they are. When the subframe is off, you need to remove the old bush and the Metal outter. In the kit you get Two halves of the bush on each side with a metal inner. You push the two halves in the subframe by hand then the metal inner through the hole. Job done :cool:

umpkin 25-04-2009 22:00

martin said its not massive hassle doing the subframe bushes with the beam in place, i dont have time to take the whole thing off, so ill try and do it on the car, mine rattle all over the drivers side, and deffo feels loose on cornering.

umpkin 25-04-2009 22:10

OMG, was just about to order a set of these, and then looked at the telephone number, they are just down the road to me, in Brentwood, just 10mins drive.


northerner 26-04-2009 09:17

You have to take off the subframe to change the bushes. However you can leave the trailing arms connected with the brake calipers etc. You do need to remove the diff as its to heavy to to move around. This is what I did the last time I did it


CamInHead 26-04-2009 11:10

Are the bushes not a press-in fit ? :)

umpkin 26-04-2009 11:21

originally they are yes, the new ones here are in 2 bits.

CamInHead 26-04-2009 13:35

I like the look of the Z31 masterbush set.

Descprition is alittle vague though....

umpkin 26-04-2009 18:09

is there any other bits from the z31 that fits our s12, the little round bushes at the end of the ARB with the long bolt though???

and the bushes for the lower tie bar (i think i have the name right, this stops the wheel flapping back and forth)??

30psi 26-04-2009 19:54

I dropped the subframe enough to change the bushes. I couldnt be bothered dropping the whole thing

s13eater 26-04-2009 20:12

i could do with the z31 5 lug arms, matin can i use the z31 turbo vented discs on the s12 ? or won't they fit inbetween the s12 calipers ?

30psi 26-04-2009 20:16

The calipers look the same by design. When my mate pulls his finger out his arse and fits the z31 subframe that he's had for 2 years I'll let you know what we find.

s13eater 26-04-2009 20:19


Originally Posted by 30psi (Post 30539)
The calipers look the same by design. When my mate pulls his finger out his arse and fits the z31 subframe that he's had for 2 years I'll let you know what we find.

arn't the z31 subframe the same apart from them being 5 lug arms as all the bushes are the same.if you come across anymore z31 arms mart let me know.:)

30psi 26-04-2009 20:55

Yeah. I'm not sure if the carrier for the calipers is different or the whole caliper is different. I can't see it being the same size as the disc is quite thicker.

s13eater 26-04-2009 20:59


Originally Posted by 30psi (Post 30541)
Yeah. I'm not sure if the carrier for the calipers is different or the whole caliper is different. I can't see it being the same size as the disc is quite thicker.

are they the same handbrake set up as the s12 ?

s13eater 26-04-2009 21:02

i've also got a price of £140 for a pair of 315mm grooved and dimpled front ebc discs .

30psi 26-04-2009 21:39


Originally Posted by s13eater (Post 30542)
are they the same handbrake set up as the s12 ?


CamInHead 27-04-2009 20:18


Originally Posted by s13eater (Post 30538)
i could do with the z31 5 lug arms, matin can i use the z31 turbo vented discs on the s12 ? or won't they fit inbetween the s12 calipers ?

There's a guy local to me who's apparantly breaking a pair of Z31s, possabilly Turbos. He's got an Ad on ebay at the moment. Want me to enquire ? I should be seeing him Wednesday.

s13eater 27-04-2009 20:21


Originally Posted by CamInHead (Post 30557)
There's a guy local to me who's apparantly breaking a pair of Z31s, possabilly Turbos. He's got an Ad on ebay at the moment. Want me to enquire ? I should be seeing him Wednesday.

can do matey:cool:.

CamInHead 27-04-2009 20:23

Do they have to be from Z31 Turbos btw ?

s13eater 27-04-2009 20:58


Originally Posted by CamInHead (Post 30561)
Do they have to be from Z31 Turbos btw ?

not sure mate, martin might know.

CamInHead 27-04-2009 21:06

Should be fairly clear when I get a look.

northerner 29-04-2009 18:36

Had 0.6mm machined off the diameter of the bolts today ready for the camber adjustment. I wasnt sure if the metal would cut but took off a small amount at a time ;)


northerner 01-05-2009 13:46

I've now fitted the bolts. After I decide how to keep the front lowering springs in the strut/or go for an S13 setup, I will get the 4wheel alignment done


CamInHead 01-05-2009 20:53

Shame you're not local to me as I could do the alignment for free. Be interesting to see how it works out.

chris1986 30-09-2009 13:37

hi guys

i was wondering how to get the rear subframe and the rear arms bushings out

how do you guys do it?

greetings, chris

northerner 01-10-2009 10:24

If you have the subframe off most just fall out through age. if not then you can just burn them out with heating!. There is a metal collar on the subframe which will also need to be chiselled out CAREFULLY!

alundra 01-10-2009 17:37

I don't who but he said me those bushings must be recut, the thickness is too large and tends our rear subframe to be lowered.

Are they made by Prothane? Do you still have the ref number?
I appreciate if you'll share some info even minor.

chris1986 07-10-2009 15:59

I got them from Mjp and they are indeed from prothane

the kit number from the rear z31 subframe bushings is #14-101

They seem to be a little larger than the original bushings


bigdaves12 19-04-2013 19:55

sorry to dig up an old thread, but northerner I've bought the same bushes from MJP, they arrived today.

Holding them up to the hole on the subframe it looks as though they wont't fit with the sleeve still in. Can you confirm that the sleeve has to be removed?

EDIT: looking at the pics it looks as though there are no sleeves in yours, but further confirmation would be nice :P

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