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northerner 03-02-2009 17:17

Rear subframe camber correction
A while ago I bought a spare from Silviagod which I had a local fabricator weld on some brackets to the outters mounts which I slotted. I then gave it to a local company (Vulcan coatings in Basildon) whom bead blasted it. They then primed and coated it with satin black. I cant believe how good it came out as it looks like new and only cost me £30


paulsilv 03-02-2009 23:59

Very nice.

Where are the bushes from and are they Poly ones

northerner 04-02-2009 10:37

I got them from MJP for about £60. Looking at their website it appears to be down atm


northerner 23-04-2009 20:30

Whilst waiting for the machinists to do the head work on my Auto, I spent most of the day today dropping my old subframe. Over the last six months or so I have notice a knocking noise from the rear getting worse. Recently the backend has been feeling very twitchy and now I know why. One side of the subframe bush was not held in at all !


northerner 23-04-2009 20:31

So out with the old ......


northerner 23-04-2009 20:33

and in with the new......


northerner 23-04-2009 20:34

just got the trailing arms, ARB and brakes the finish tomorrow for the Mot which is due :cool:

CamInHead 23-04-2009 21:27

They look like MJP's Z31 bushes ?


northerner 25-04-2009 16:31

Yep that they are !

Originally Posted by CamInHead (Post 30513)
They look like MJP's Z31 bushes ?


northerner 25-04-2009 16:32

I cracked on today with refitting the trailing arms etc.
I bought some new inner bolts a while back so the camber can now be adjusted on the outter mounts. One thing I should have checked however was that they are the same diameter as the outter bolts ie were they fit in the trailing arms.
It was only when I offered them up I found out that the inner bolts dont go in the outter trailing arm bushes. The inner bolts have a diameter of 14mm --- The Outter bolts have a diameter of 13.4mm. After scratching my head for a while, I decided to use the none adjustable originals on the outter points for now and get the others milled down to size.

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