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nedge2k 22-10-2012 21:11

Extreme tramlining
Not sure what the hell is going on here but over road imperfections and white lines my steering is pulled all over the place - if you're not holding tight it can pull the wheel out of your hand!

Track rods are fine, bushes are fine, ball joints are fine, steering rack is secure, wheel bearings are good and nothing funny about the tyres - std s13 wheels/tyres at the mo.

I can only assume the steering rack or pump is knackered? Steering feels quite heavy, heavier than my other s12s and when you wind the lock on round a roundabout, it jerks in and out.

Anyone else ever come across this behaviour?

lmrdave 23-10-2012 13:58

Only tramlining problem I have is with my Z3! :trout

Is that the steering wheel jerking about on roundabouts?

Any play in the rack? Might need to check and several places along the rack.

Try simple things first, alignment check could cause it to be skitish

nedge2k 23-10-2012 14:44

Sorry, forgot to say, just had laser alignment done after I changed track rod in a hope to cure it! (was happening before I did track rod btw).

Doesn't appear to be any play, wheel moves with wheels and not long had MOT done and nothing found then.

lmrdave 24-10-2012 08:02

what profile are the tyres?

Same make on the rear - try swapping them over?

Check torsion rod bushes, neutral caster can effect tramlining aswell I think.

nedge2k 06-12-2012 01:23

So finally got round to swapping the stock S12 wheels off my donor and onto my daily - problem solved. Not entirely sure what it was about the S13 wheels/tyres but but she no longer tries to tug me over every contour in the road!

jonnyjapanese 26-01-2013 23:32

I get nasty tramlining too
I just thought the car was a bit crap at handling and I have no faith in it, I have 17" wheels on with 205/45 17 bridgestone potenza tyres and it is randomly eratic on the road. I noticed alot of the suspension rubbers are getting a bit worn will this be a factor?

s13eater 27-01-2013 11:37


Originally Posted by jonnyjapanese (Post 39313)
I just thought the car was a bit crap at handling and I have no faith in it, I have 17" wheels on with 205/45 17 bridgestone potenza tyres and it is randomly eratic on the road. I noticed alot of the suspension rubbers are getting a bit worn will this be a factor?

it must be mate, i've poly bushed mine and it handles well.

jonnyjapanese 27-01-2013 16:44

poly bushes
where did you get the poly bush set from?

jonnyjapanese 27-01-2013 16:46

I also got told to swap the oil in my front shockers for atf but in my eyes atf is thinner and would make the shock softer???

s13eater 27-01-2013 17:02


Originally Posted by jonnyjapanese (Post 39318)
where did you get the poly bush set from?

superflex mate, theres a thread on here with part numbers.

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