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bigdaves12 20-06-2013 23:10

Intercooler / piperwork?
gonna be at that point soon, which saab/volvo intercooler fits and how do i go about with pipework?! Still running the ca18et.

bigdaves12 09-07-2013 20:02

-Bump...... no one shed any info on how to go about this? Was thinking about just using exhaust tubing and some hose bends. Cheapo is the idea as you may be able to tell...

s13eater 09-07-2013 20:15

are you still on the t2 turbo ?

tim murphy 09-07-2013 21:07

hi bigdave hows yours silvia doing moving forward mine no time on her been welding my van for about two weeks now should have scrap her have owner 6 years . about inter cooler looking on buying one on ebay for 200 sx or 18 et engine cheers ;)

nedge2k 10-07-2013 11:24

i've just bought this...

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3004140497...84.m1439.l2649 (saab 9000 cooler)

...which has the same 2" pipe work fittings. i plan to use a combo of new pipes from ebay, some of the existing s13 sidemount currently on mine and some of this to make life easier...

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Black-Sili...item27bbce2497 (flexible silicone hose, rated to 180+ degrees, 13.5 bar)

s13eater 10-07-2013 16:02

put a proper bar and plate intercooler in there, with cast end tanks, mines cheap enough and would'nt take much fitting ;)

bigdaves12 10-07-2013 16:15

Im running the T2 still. Will upgrade later on but ok for now. S13eater how much piping/bends etc are with your intercooler? I considered yours previously but was a little unsure :p

Also Nedge that flexible hose looks like the business but can you cut it to length without risk of leaks?

nedge2k 10-07-2013 16:17

No idea yet but would imagine so. There's some other stuff on fleabay too that looks a bit more conventional but it doesn't give a pressure rating

s13eater 10-07-2013 20:29

theres a company called ash silicone hoses that is cheaper than samco and a lot cheaper, i use them.

nedge2k 11-07-2013 00:52

yep, samco can fuck right off


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