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Old 05-06-2011, 17:49
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paulsilv paulsilv is offline
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paulsilv is an unknown quantity at this point

Got the Temp Gauge wired in and working like a dream

But I am stuck on the Tacho wiring.

Wired the 4 Diodes together with the stripe toward the Tacho

An here again from slightly further away showing the 4 seperate wires to be spliced into the coil packs

This is the plug that plugs into the Ignitor with 4 wires coming off it
Fig 1.

If you follow these wires through the loom they eventually end up at this plug. You can see them entering on the left hand side
Fig 2.

And again the same plug closer up
Fig 3.

These wires then come out of the other side of the plug in different colours (As Below) Which are the correct ones to splice into????
Fig 4.

I am completely lost trying to find the original blue signal wire from the original coil. Do I cut and join or Splice ??? Where is this???

If I dont use this original blue signal wire, is it the light green wire I should be using behind Tacho???


Last edited by paulsilv; 05-06-2011 at 18:21.
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