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Old 25-03-2007, 23:38
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Default thieving scum

i got a phone call this morning, the wifes stepdad had his car nicked at about 3.30am this morning, they drove it into a lamp post and put it on the roof, a feckin write off, only trouble is, he was still on his dealer policy, he had only just had £1750 spent on the suspention for the test and only bought it earlier in the year for 5k, so i think he's lost everything.bastids.
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Old 26-03-2007, 07:37
northerner northerner is offline
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Thieving robbing ****ing ***ts. Any Forensics Shaun? They can usually get loads even if its a very partial print
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Old 26-03-2007, 19:43
Wocketfast Wocketfast is offline
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Sorry to say this Northerner but I've never heard of the police doinging anything more than give a crime number for stuff like this.

That includes my car getting broken into (you could see there hand prints on the windscreen where they tried to lever out the stereo)
My sisters car being stolen and ragged round the fields
My mates Datsun which was an attempted theft, left finger prints all over it!
My Mountain bike from the station under the CCTV cameras
Work = 3 breakins, CCTV, finger prints, foot prints, traceable kit.

Nothing more than a crime number for any of them. Other than the datsun where we spent the day sat in a car park (in my car not the datsun) waiting for the police to turn up and take prints etc, only to get a call at 6pm to say they were not comming, here's a crime number, good night.

Cant wait for these council tax rises the police simply dont have the time to deal with crimes like this. Thats labours poor budgeting for you e.g.
NHS computer scheme
Air Traffic Control
Child support agency
the list is too long.


In the mean time the police also wont have the time if the persons recieve a slap, or for just £35 you can hire a disc cutter suitable for slicing a car in two.
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Old 26-03-2007, 19:50
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Originally Posted by northerner View Post
Thieving robbing ****ing ***ts. Any Forensics Shaun? They can usually get loads even if its a very partial print
yeah they came that day mate, they looked for prints on the house window, where they had broke in for the keys and they where hoping the airbag had gone off, as they are going to check for dna on it.
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Old 27-03-2007, 20:49
stu stu is offline
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Tjieving pikey scum

I had my gtir stolen about 9 weeks ago now, i didnt see the police!!! I rang them to report it, they rang back about 5 hours later and gave me a crime number and that was it

My car is still missing

I had just had £1500 worth of wheels and tyres put on it, 3 weeks before, a steering wheel that was £250, two tv screens in the head rests a dvd player all new 3 weeks before it was stolen, the mot was 11 months and tax 6 months, the car had just come back on the road after taking it off to sort out all the niglt bits, i had just had it tinted out £100, just had it valeted £60, New childs booster seats £40, The car standard would of cost me atleast £3500 with the extras that i declared that makes it worth around £5500, what did they pay me????????? £3500 and they took the excess of £400 out of that

And to top it off, i had about 10 months insurance left, they said they wouldnt insure my new car because it had alloys and a bodykit on it, and they wouldnt reimburse me the 10 months that i had left, because i had made a claim on the policy

So its cost me an extra £360 to insure the bluebird and they have also told me, the 9 years no claims i had, they only took 4 into consideration, and took 2 of them away for the claim, so im left with only 2 years no claims discount

Even if he was insured, he would still loose out mate

Its sad to hear he has lost the car and that it wasnt insured!!! I hope the thieving pikies roll another car and get trapped in it and burn to death!!!!
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Old 28-03-2007, 11:41
Wocketfast Wocketfast is offline
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Theiving little bastards!

Is that phusions old Bluebird I see there?
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Old 28-03-2007, 22:45
stu stu is offline
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Originally Posted by Wocketfast View Post
Theiving little bastards!

Is that phusions old Bluebird I see there?
Yeah i brought it off Matty the other weekend
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Old 28-03-2007, 22:51
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looks good kitted, now that would make for a good 4 wheel drive conversion, off of a pulsar.
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Old 28-03-2007, 22:54
stu stu is offline
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It sure would lol

Not for me though, i havent the time or the money at the moment, we are planning on turboing it and sorting the handling out

Theres a few noises that i need to find and sort out before all that though
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