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Old 23-12-2008, 09:32
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omex is the same as the gems softwere.
fj20/et a replacement for displacement
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Old 23-12-2008, 09:47
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ah, must be GEMS and not Autronic then, knew id been told about at at some point lol

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Old 23-12-2008, 10:13
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Originally Posted by duncan View Post
thanks for the info lads. i was looking at emerald ecu's after getting a catalogue with retro cars or something. rewiring the engine doesn't bother me cos I'll be changing a few things anyway. lookin for value for money and ease of use. i would like to map it myself but it's something i have never done. having said that i never did anything with turbo cars until i got my s12 and now theres not much standard left on the car.
nobody is going to show me how to map a car as they will be doing themselves out of a job so theres only one way i'll learn anything.
how does the bottom pulley work out with the position sensor? is there one for a det available?
hows the black legend coming on jackiefan?
Emerald gets rave reviews from everyone I've spoken to about it, admittedly I know know anything about mapping ecu's.

Going to be running Omex in mine when it comes to it but that's just because I got a good deal on one

The Crank angle sensor wheel thingy from Omex is just a disk with a small 10-15mm hole in the middle of it, I guess the Idea is you then get a machine shop to match it to the OD of the crank pulley then tack it on. You then rig up the actual sensor (?halls device?) off the front of the block using mecano or something. Its a one size fits all solution although I'm sure there are some clever sods out there that have found other ways around it.

The MKI is coming on, all be it rather slowly (I just don't get the time to work on it). Got mostly S13 parts for the front end sorted and painted, all the front bushes are done. Just need to get the manual rack back from my old man so I can get it rolling again then it's off to get a cage fabbed up (when I can find someone to do it for my for sensible money). I'll update the project thread as soon as I've got it to a point I'm happy with.
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Old 23-12-2008, 10:41
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this is what i did...

made up a spacer ring and machined an omex trigger wheel blank to suit

pic shows the original crank angle sensor bracket on the cam belt cover, but although it felt stiff, it vibrated and caused a missfire, so a beefy bracket was bolted to where the water pump used to be (my car runs an electric one). just ensure the crank sensor bracket is built like a brick sh*t house or they can cause issues


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Last edited by CNHSS1; 23-12-2008 at 10:47.
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Old 23-12-2008, 11:48
sideways danny sideways danny is offline
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Originally Posted by CNHSS1 View Post
you working for them Danny?
sort of, not exactly

Omex is somebody elses product originally if im correct? aussie ecu (autronic?), bought the rights etc?
No not at all, Just the software is written by GEMS (to omex specification) who also do it for a lot of ECU manufacturers

VEMS looked good, essentially a megasquirt derivative but commercially developed, but i notice Phatbob has dropped hios involvement with VEMS now so the development in the UK may slow.
You wont find a lot of places who will do the mapping on VEMS, I know more and more who've tried and wont touch it now. Dont know really, never done one.
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Old 23-12-2008, 11:57
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how much is the 600 and 710, ecus only?

will have a good look again at Autosports to see what benefits they have, hopefully they will have someone techie on hand.

Cheers, Craig

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Old 23-12-2008, 12:06
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Bit of a shamless plug but while you are there have a word with the Simtek UK stand. I know they used to deal with both Omex and DTA, looking at the website they only stock DTA now but they might be able to answer some questions.

The reason for it being a shameless plug is that my cousin is the owner.
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Old 23-12-2008, 12:41
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simteks the motorsport wiring guy? sure ive seen stickers on hillclimb cars that have been done

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Old 23-12-2008, 12:45
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Thats the guy, does a lot of work for Bowler and Tomcat
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Old 23-12-2008, 13:01
sideways danny sideways danny is offline
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Originally Posted by CNHSS1 View Post
how much is the 600 and 710, ecus only?

will have a good look again at Autosports to see what benefits they have, hopefully they will have someone techie on hand.

Cheers, Craig
600 is 545+vat
710 is 845+vat
DIY loom is £60+vat
Universal Raceloom is £220+vat

I'll see you there
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