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Old 26-10-2013, 19:07
nedge2k nedge2k is offline
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Default What Happened

So about a year ago, the website went down for weeks. To cut a long story short, I stepped in and got it back up with the help of Richard Kimberly and Jon (Pukka).

At the time, I took a backup and was going to move it onto my server using the s12oc.co.uk domain name owned by Jon. He had internet problems at the time, things kinda got forgotten about and the site left as it was.

Up until last night, the site was kinda in limbo. It was still hosted on an account linked to Richard Kimberly on aquiss.net - but Richard had closed his account a few months ago (not knowing we were still using it) and Aquiss just left it running, until the other day when it ran out of disk space and was taken down.

Shaun alerted me to the problem, I got back in touch with Richard, then with Aquiss and then spent the evening backing up and moving the site onto my server. For a moment, I thought we were going to lose at least the last years worth of posts but thanks to Richard and Aquiss allowing me access to what I needed, I was able to fully restore everything.

Despite the fact Aquiss hadn't been paid for hosting us for the last few months, they were amazing about it all and very quick to help. Despite the fact Richard hasn't been associated with the club for quite some time, he was also very happy to help and even transferred ownership of the domain name nissansilvia.co.uk over to me.

So many thanks to Richard Kimberly and Aquiss for all their assistance!

The site is now on my server, accelerated and protected by Cloudflare and daily incremental backups are now made automatically and stored on Amazon S3. Sufficed to say, random outages of the unexpected nature should be a thing of the past and we'll always have a current backup.

Now, although I might be selling my Silvias, I've had them on and off for the past 10 years so even if I am Silvia-less, I'll still host the site as I'm sure I'll always own more in the future!

Anyway, that's what happened and how things now stand.

1985 Mk1 Black Auto
1989 Mk2 Red Auto
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1988 Mk2 Red Auto (Ex-Silviagod)
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Old 27-10-2013, 10:42
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many thanks alex
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Old 27-10-2013, 11:39
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cheers alex
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Old 27-10-2013, 15:29
Hood rat Hood rat is offline
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Nice one and thank you for all your efforts. I don't post all that much but the info on the site is so helpfull with out it more than a few times I would have been stuck cheers again.
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Old 27-10-2013, 18:54
caz4244@essex caz4244@essex is offline
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Well done mate good work
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Old 28-10-2013, 05:04
sideways_s12 sideways_s12 is offline
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Awesome, Glad to see it back and running! If you ever need a moderator I'd be more than happy to help. I am currently a mod over on Club-s12.org. I love it here and will hopefully meet some of you when I get over there in few months.
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